

My Bloginality is INTP!!!


What Anime Stereotype Are You?


Pretty Boy
Find out what anime character cliche you are.


You're An Intellectual!
You can always be found reading or on the computer. People always come to you when they need information. You don't really care about love at this point, your only goal is to improve your mind. After all, knowledge is power!

What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


I wish I could be like you...
You're a sidekick!
You're short. You've got mousy brown hair and glasses. Sometimes you get to be the comic relief or provide an infodump, but mostly your role is to be helpful and supportive to your tortured best friend. You're always going to come second in everything. Sure, this may seem like a bad deal, but at least you get to bask in your friend's reflected glory; and looking on the bright side, you're unlikely to be dead by the end of the series. Every hero needs a cheerleader for their final battle.

Which generic anime character are you?


Find your Role-Playing Stereotype at mutedfaith.com.


What's Your Anime Weapon?


What Anime Art Style Are You?


What anime hue are you?


Take the Anime Sountrack Quiz


my cowboy bebop theme song is stella by moor

what's your cowboy bebop theme song?


What type of Bishounen are you? Find out at artificial-soul.net by Rin.


Are you a Seme or Uke?


You are a Badass Uke!
Other uke admire you, some seme fear you. Despite your sometimes flaming appearance, you can even fool other people into thinking you are seme with your mischievous, manipulative attitude, but when push comes to shove, your true submissive nature emerges. It takes a seme with enough intensity to challenge you and keep you satisfied, and your perfect match, the Don't Fuck With Me Seme, knows that all that naughty teasing just means you want the punishment.

Most compatible with: Don't Fuck With Me Seme, Chibi Seme
Least compatible with: Sadistic Seme, Romantic Seme

What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at SemeUke.com, or find merchandise here.


Which Evangelion character are you?


What NERV Child Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.


What Neon Genesis Evangelion character are you?


Omae wa dochira juunishi no MEMBAA desu ka?


Which Saturnalia Character are you?


You are most like Fuu!
Find out Which Magic Knight you are.


Which Sailor Scout are you?


Take the "You're Senshi Who" Quiz at Wishing Moon.


You are Kurama


I took the Yu Yu Hakusho personality test, so can you!


Dragon Slayer Likeness Quiz!


What .hack//SIGN Character Are You?


You are:
You're quiet, shy and introvert, which is why you often stay
unnoticed in the background. To others you seem
distant and isolated, but your close friends know you
as the sweet and kind-hearted person you are.

Which Yu-Gi-Oh Character Are You?


It's always the quiet ones...
I'm the seemingly innocent Bakura!
Which Yu-Gi-Oh boi are you? Find out!
Another test by that spelunking Mania Macabre.


I am Kudou Himiko.

You are inventive, practical, and trustworthy. People know that they
can trust you to get a job done, and done well. After all,
you can always have fun when you’re finished work, right? However,
you do need to loosen up a bit, and keep in better contact
with your friends. Try to pass on the grudges, too,
because all of your plans for revenge
definitely aren’t winning you the popularity contest.

Which GetBackers Character Are You?


You are an extremely talented person and you are also brilliant. You are mature, charming, straight-forward and you worry about your friends when they're in trouble. You give great advice and you're probably one of the best friends someone can ever have.

Which Gravitation Character Are YOU?
Take the quiz at Dare to Dream


You like writing, you like your daily intake of Budweiser, and on bad days (which might just fall under 'everyday'), you can be a jerk. But underneath all that hard exterior is a sensitive boy struggling to get out. Dont be afraid to fall in love; go find your pink-haired soul mate, and smile awhile.

Which Gravitation Character Are You?


Which Saiyuki Boy are you?

Which Saiyuki boy are you?
Take the Saiyuki Quiz at anime-doll.com


Which traveller are you??


If I were a Slayers character, I'd be Filia ul Copt!  Who would you be?
Slayers Character Matchmaker


Which X/1999 characters are you?

Quiz made by Chesa


You're Sumeragi Subaru!
Angst, betrayal, and perhaps large floating sakura petals seem to follow you everywhere. And yet, through all the psychological anguish that characterizes your life, you still manage to be so much prettier than everyone else. Don't trust tall, dark and handsome men in sunglasses, no matter how sexy they may be.
Which Dragon of Heaven are you?
Quiz by Kerianne


 Congratulations! You're a deceptive pear-shaped bunnybat!
You are Q-chan aka. Sofu D
Like a large enigma you like to stay in the dark and your looks can be extremely deceiving. You are dettached, arrogant and wise, though all this can be disguised without your littlest effort. You are very protective of your loved ones.
take the test!


Which Hellsing character are you?


Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Gundam SEED Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.


Which Big O character are you?
Which Big O character are you?


You have a personality similar to the character Kenshin in the series Rurouni Kenshin
You have a strong sense of justice and loyalty. You will fight to defend yourself and those you love. You tend to be a bit hard on yourself at times.

Which Anime Personality are you?


I'm just watching a bad dream I'd never wake up from.
Find out what anime bad boy you are.


Find out what anime girl you are.


theOtaku.com: What Shoujo Mascot Are You?


You are Kuroneko!

Take the "Which Anime pet are you?" test!


You are Kusakabe Marron | Kaito Jeanne

You are generous and talented, though often widthdrawn. You tend to have just a few close friends, rather than many. You appear very cheerful and enthusiastic, but struggle to keep up with what others expect of you. In the end, your perseverance and sacrifices help you pull through.

Take the "What Magic Girl are you?" Quiz


What Magical Girl Are You?


cold.. or are you?
Find out what bishonen you are.


You're one of the Seven Dragons of Heaven! Your life changed when your mom gave you your sword from out of her own body...then she died. Kinda morbid. But then the battle began. You have problems, but who doesn't. Girls like you but you have a higher purpose. The preserve the humans' current state of living from the destruction of the Dragons of Earth.< ReverseBlade!


What Anime Vampire Are You?


What character from a creepy anime are you?


Omae wa dochira anime no VILLAIN desu ka?


What (yaoi) anime pairing are you?
this quiz was made by Eike and Mirai


What Ragnarok Character Should You Be?
Quiz by Angelhalo




Take the 'What Jhonen Project Would You Be?' @ JtHM.net
Quiz created by: sweetestdisease


what flavor pocky are you?

[c] sugardew


What's your Chocolate flavor?
Quiz made by Chesa


Which Gackt are you most like?
quiz by mcvarmazi



Which 1980's Hair Band Are You?


Which Grunge Band Are You?


Which Rock Chick Are You?


You are Ani Difranco!
Self-obsessed and self-possessed,you are a strong woman with a social conscience,
who centers her life around her art. You pour your life experience and passion
into your art, presenting ideas that resonate deep in the souls of others.

Take the "Which Empowered Female Artist Are You" Quiz
made by and


click to find out who you are from bsb!


You Are

You are a beautiful person, in a wistful kind of way. If you could, you would spend all your time daydreaming and writing poetry. You are a tragic beauty.

You are sensitive and caring, and you don't take insults well. You don't smile much, but when you do, you really mean it.

People like to be around you because you are a calming influence. You have an appreciation for all things beautiful, and you probably have some potted plants. You also most likely own a cat.

You like Sundays and hot tea. You will spend your entire life yearning for quiet beauty, which is a rarity in this world, so you read a lot.

Everyone you know thinks you're "nice."

Take the Which Led Zeppelin Song Are You? Quiz


You Are A Wraith
Take the World of Darkness Quiz
by David J Rust


find your element at mutedfaith.com. <º>


Which Element Represents You?
created by kefkafanatic @ mental insanity


What Flavour Are You? I taste like Smoke.I taste like Smoke.

I'm an unusual taste; I can be strong and potent, or I can be a mere hint, almost not there. I can blow away on the wind, or I can stick to your clothes that you left out when your neighbour was having a bonfire. I'm mean that way. What Flavour Are You?


what's your inner flower?

[c] sugardew


You Are A Lily
You are a nurturer and all around natural therapist.
People see you as their rock. And they are able to depend on you.
You are a soothing influence. You can make people feel better with a few words.
Your caring has more of an impact than even you realize.
What Flower Are You?


Take the 'Which Archangel are you?' Quiz!
Which Archangel are you? by Xera


A WHITE Dragon Lies Beneath!

My inner dragon color is WHITE. Click here to try the Quiz!
My inner dragon is one of two harmonious dragons (the other is Black). On the inside I am the perfect example of balance, patience, power, and reclusive intelligence. Evil-doers beware; my breath weapon is a combination of fire and lightning. Even the nicest dragons can do some serious damage. Click the image to try the Inner Dragon Online Quiz for yourself.


lip piercing

You Are A Lip Piercing

In your face punk, and borderline angsty.
You wouldn't be caught dead at a corporate job.
But you can be found at Tower Records.
You rate your friends by how hardcore their piercings and tattoos are.

What Piercing Are *You*?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva


Which flock do you follow?
this quiz was made by alanna


Which 1990's Subculture Do You Belong To?

[Another Quiz by Kris @ couplandesque.net]


Which era in time are you?


Which tarot card are you?


Your Personality Profile
You are elegant, withdrawn, and brilliant.
Your mind is a weapon, able to solve any puzzle.
You are also great at poking holes in arguments and common beliefs.

For you, comfort and calm are very important.
You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection.
You prefer to protect your emotions and stay strong.
The World's Shortest Personality Test


Your Dominant Intelligence is Intrapersonal Intelligence
Reflective and thoughtful, you enjoy spending time alone. You are good at analyzing yourself - and knowing your true feelings. Totally self aware, you are in tune with your dreams and desires. A spiritual and philopsophical person, your inner calmness inspires and helps others. You would make a great philosopher, researcher, or theorist.
What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?


you are seagreen

Your dominant hues are cyan and green. Although you definately strive to be logical you care about people and know there's a time and place for thinking emotionally. Your head rules most things but your heart rules others, and getting them to meet in the middle takes a lot of your energy some days.

Your saturation level is higher than average - You know what you want, but sometimes know not to tell everyone. You value accomplishments and know you can get the job done, so don't be afraid to run out and make things happen.

Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.
the spacefem.com html color quiz


What color are you?


Your Mood Ring is Blue-Green
Inner emotions charged
Yet, somewhat relaxed
Mood Ring Generator


What is my spectrum?

I am blue: My main color is blue. I am a little bitter when people choose a blissfully ignorant aproach to life. I try to see things for the way they really are.

What is my spectrum?


You're Pale Fire!
by Vladimir Nabokov
You're really into poetry and the interpretation thereof. Along the road of life, you have had several identity crises which make it very unclear who you are, let alone how to interpret poetry. You probably came from a foreign country, but then again you seem foreign to everyone in ways unrelated to immigration. Most people think you're quite funny, but maybe you're just sick. Talking to you ends up being much like playing a round of the popular board game Clue.
Take the Book Quiz at the Blue Pyramid.


You are most like a Fox, with some Owl in you.

The fox is largely misunderstood to be a shy, retreating individual. Because it cannot succeed in the world using brute force alone, it must rely on its sharp mind and engaging personality to garner resources, and it consequently spends a lot of time in its head. The fox tempers its serious nature with a sardonic sense of humor and engaging playfulness while interacting with its eclectic community. It expects others to be as honest about their strengths and shortcomings as it is of its own. While these high expectations don't make the fox a snob, it expects its friends to first demonstrate their worthiness before returning the favor with loyalty and devotion. Its great curiosity and worldly experience makes it a wonderful conversationalist and it's able to hold forth on a number of different topics with ease. Sometimes, however, the fox will view a conversation as a competitive challenge, which proves to be off-putting and annoying to its companions.


I Am A: Chaotic Good Elf Bard Thief

Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups.

Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance.

Primary Class:
Bards are the entertainers. They sing, dance, and play instruments to make other people happy, and, frequently, make money. They also tend to dabble in magic a bit.

Secondary Class:
Thieves are the most roguish of the classes. They are sneaky and nimble-fingered, and have skills with traps and locks. While not all use these skills for burglary, that is a common occupation of this class.

Tymora is the Chaotic Good goddess of luck and good fortune. She is also known as Lady Luck, and also Tyche's fair-tressed daughter. Followers of Tymora believe in the tenent that, 'Fortune Favors the Bold,' and will throw caution to the wind and trust to luck to work things out for the best. Tymora's symbol is an unmarked silver disk.

Find out What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy ofNeppyMan


I am the Coquette

The ability to delay satisfaction is the ultimate art of seduction - while waiting, the victim is held in thrall. Coquettes are the grand masters of the game, orchestrating a back-and-forth movement between hope and frustration. They bait with the promise of reward - the hope of physical pleasure, happiness, fame by association, power - all of which, however, proves elusive; yet this only makes their targets pursue them more. Imitate the alternating heat and coolness of the Coquette and you will keep the seduced at your heels.

Symbol: The Shadow. It cannot be grasped. Chase your shadow and it will flee; turn your back on it and it will follow you. It is also a person's dark side, the thing that makes them mysterious. After they have given us pleasure, the shadow of withdrawl makes us yearn for their return, much as clouds make us yearn for the sun.

What Type of Seducer are You?
created by polite_society


You are Debian Linux. People have difficulty getting to know you.  Once you finally open your shell they're apt to love you.
Which OS are You?


http://pocketbishies.tumblr.com http://pocketbishies.tumblr.com http://pocketbishies.tumblr.com